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Killtest 分享 XMLMaster I10-002考试题库

发布-admin | 查看- | 发表时间-2010-3-6

1. Select which of the following correctly describes WSDL. (WSDL 1.1)
A. WSDL assumes SOAP as the message transmission form
B. When WSDL is defined by a combination of style="rpc" and use="encoded", then
encodingStyle="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/" must be designated
C. When WSDL is defined by a combination of style="rpc" and use="encoded", then the encodingStyle attribute cannot be designated
D. WSDL may be defined by a combination of style="rpc" and use="literal"
Answer: D

2. Which of the following describes the most correct call order of the ContentHandler interface methods when parsing the following "XML Document" using a non-validating SAX parser? This question reflects line feeds within the XML document.
[XML Document]
A. startDocument - startElement - characters - startElement - characters - characters - characters -
endElement - characters - endElement - endDocument
B. startDocument - startElement - ignorableWhitespace - startElement - ignorableWhitespace -
characters - ignorableWhitespace - endElement - ignorableWhitespace - endElement - endDocument
C. startDocument - startElement - startElement - characters - endElement - endElement - endDocument
D. startDocument - startElement - startElement - characters - characters - endElement - endElement -
Answer: A



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